RAD Legacy Products
The products listed on this page are older RAD products. Some may still
be available, some may have been replaced by newer models and in some cases the solution to an application today is just done differently than it was before. We here at Cutter Networks have been here selling RAD products for many years. We are familiar with both the new and the old.
Let us know how we may be of service.
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RAD ATM products -Overview
LA-110 ATM Integrated Access Device (IAD) for voice, data and LAN
ACE-52 Ethernet LAN and TDM Services over ATM Networks
ACE-201 Multiservice Network Termination unit
ACE-2002 ATM Network Termination Unit
ACE-2002, ACE-2002E Multiservice Access Concentrators / ATM Network Termination Units
ACE-3600 RNC-Site Carrier Class Gateway
-Baseband Modems-
RAD Baseband modems and last mile access
ASM-10/8 Sync / Async short range modem
Discontinued. Contact us about alternative solutions
ASM-20 Short Range Modem
Discontinued. Contact us about alternative solutions
ASM-31 multirate sync/async shortrange modem -
Discontinued. Contact us about alternative solutions
ASMi-31 2-wire full-duplex IDSL Sync / Async modem
Discontinued. Contact us about alternative solutions
ASM-40 synchronous short range modem Discontinued. Contact us about
alternative solutions
ASM-60 4-Wire Symmetrical VDSL-Based Modem
ASMi-54LRT SHDSL.bis Modem with Integrated Router
ASM-61 2-Wire Symmetrical VDSL-Based Modem - 10Mbps LAN extension
PFH-4 SHDSL Power Feeding Hub
RAD Digital Service Access Devices ( FCD )
FCD-E1L ( FCD-E1L/U/AC/V35 )
FCD-E1LC managed access unit for E1
FCD-E1A for E1 or fractional E1 service
FCD-E1E TDM multiplexer enables Ethernet, Sub-E1 and Serial Services over E1
FCD-T1LC managed access unit t for T1 and Fractional
T1 services Discontinued - See
FCD-E1 and FCD-T1access units for E1/T1 or fractional E1/T1 services
FCD-T1M and FCD-E1M modular T1/E1 unit
FCD-2L E1 or Fractional E1 Access Unit
FCD-1L low-cost, single port CSU/DSU for T1 or Fractional T1 services
PRBm-20 standalone E1 / T1 monitoring probe
Egate-20 Ethernet over T1 or T1 Gateway
Egate-100 channelized Ethernet gateway for interconnecting PDH and packet networks
Egate-2000 Carrier Ethernet Aggregator for PDH and SDH / SONET
-FRAD/Packet Switch-
APD-2HS miniature FRAD/PAD
FPS-8 Multiprotocol Fast Packet Switch for X.25 / Frame Relay / IP / Async / HDLC
SPS-3S Multi-protocol FRAD / PAD Packet Switch
SPS-4 Multi-protocol Packet Switch
SPS-4X for X.25, Frame Relay and HDLC over packet-switched networks
LRS-20 16-slot 3U-high modular rack, accommodating up to 16 hot-swappable cards
RAD LRS-12 Modem rack
LRS-16 Managed SHDSL Modem Concentrator
LRS-24 12 slot high-density SNMP managed modem rack
LRS-52 Managed SHDSL Modem Rack
LRS-102 12-Slot Modem Rack with SNMP Management
ASM-MN-214 Hub for Short Range Modems
-NID Network Interface Devices
ETX-26 Ethernet Access Switch
ETX-36 Ethernet Demarcation Switch - replaced by ETX-1
ETX-201 NID has up to 2 uplinks of Gigabit or Fast Ethernet and up to 4 Fast Ethernet user ports
ETX-201A Carrier Ethernet Demarcation Device ( NID
) with EPL
and EVPL
ETX-202 Gigabit Ethernet Network Termination Unit (
NID ) - Up to two Fast or GigE network ports and up to four Fast or Gigabit Ethernet user ports
ETX-203A Carrier Ethernet Demarcation Device -
replaced by ETX-203AX
ETX-202A Gigabit Ethernet Network NID -enhanced
ETX-204A Carrier Ethernet Demarcation NID with EPL and EVPL
-Ethernet aggregation
ETX-1002 10-Gigabit Carrier Ethernet Aggregation Switch
ETX-1300 Gigabit Ethernet Aggregation Switch
ETX-5 10 GBE Ethernet Aggregation Platform
RAD Kilomux Data, Voice, Fax and LAN integrating
Megaplex-104, Megaplex-204 Compact Voice Channel Banks
FCD-24 Integrating Multiplexer for E1 and Fractional E1 services
RAD Networks Management
RAD Optimux Fiber Multiplexers
Optimux-106 ( OP-106 ) Multiplexes four T1 channels and Ethernet link over a fiber optic link
Optimux 108 ( OP-108 ) Multiplexes four E1 channels and Ethernet over a fiber
optic link
Optimux-108L ( OP-108L ) Fiber Multiplexer for 4 E1s and Ethernet
Optimux-125 ( OP-125 ) Fiber Optic Multiplexer for 16-Channel T1 TDM and Ethernet
Optimux-1025 ( OP-1025 ) Fiber Optix Mux for 16 T1s and
Gigabit Ethernet
Optimux-1032 (OP-1032) Fiber Optic Multiplexer for 16 E1s and Gigabit Ethernet
Optimux-134 ( OP-134 ) Fiber Optic Multiplexer for 16-Channel E1 TDM and Ethernet
Optimux-4E1 ( OP-4E1 ) multiplexer - replaced by
Optimux-4E1L ( OP-4E1L ) multiplexer - replaced by
Optimux-4T1 multiplexer combines up to four T1 channels over a fiber optics link
- replaced by OP-106
Optimux-4T1-ETH Four-T1s plus Ethernet over fiber
links - replaced by OP-106
Optimux-4T1L mux four T1 channels over a pair or a single fiber optic strand
- replaced by OP-106
Optimux-25 multiplexer for up to 16 T1 links, high speed
data, and Ethernet traffic - replaced by OP-125
Optimux-34 for E1s - replaced by OP-134
Optimux- 45 Multiplexes up to 28 T1 or 21 E1 channels into a single 45 Mbps data stream
Optimux-45L ( RAD OP-45L M13 Mux )
Optimux-XLT1 modular T1 and Ethernet over a fiber
optic link
Optimux-1551 ( OP-1551 ) STM-1/OC-3 Multiplexes 21,42,or 63 E1,or 28,56, or 84 T1 data channels
Optimux-1553 ( OP-1553 ) STM-1/OC-3 Multiplexes up to three E3 or T3 data channels
RAD Fiber Optic modems and Converters - Overview
FOM-20 long range fiber optic modem
FOM-40 high speed fiber optic modem
FOMi-40 Fiber Optic Modem with Remote Management
Fiber Optic modems
FOMi-E1/T1 intelligent fiber optic modem with remote management
FOM-T3/ETH and FOM-E3/ETH 10/100BaseT over T3 / E3
Fiber Optic modems
FOM-T3 and FOM-E3 fiber optic modems
FOMi-T3 Intelligent Fiber Optic modem
FOMi-E3 Intelligent Fiber Optic modems
FOM-5A and FOM-6A asynchronous fiber optic modems
F-TEL fiber optic telephone adapter - discontinued -
contact us for alternative solutions
RICi-SE Fast Ethernet over Serial Line Intelligent Converter
RIC-T1 and RIC-E1 interface T1 / E1 with V.35, X.21, V.36, RS-530 interfaces
RIC-155 10/100BaseT to STM-1/OC-3c Network Termination Unit
RIC-155L Gigabit Ethernet over STM-1/OC-3 converter
RIC-622GE Gigabit Ethernet over STM-4/OC-12c Intelligent Converter
RICi-622GE Gigabit Ethernet over 2 x STM-4/OC-12 Network Termination Unit
RIC-155GE (NTU) bridges between Gigabit Ethernet and STM-1/OC-3c
SDH/SONET networks
RICi-155GE Gigabit Ethernet over 2 x STM-1/OC-3c Network
RICi-T3 is an intelligent converter connecting Fast Ethernet LANs over T3
RICi-E3 Connects Fast Ethernet LANs over E3 circuits
RIC-LC Ethernet Converter for Bonded PDH Circuits
MiRIC-T3 and MiRIC-E3 Miniature Fast Ethernet to T3/E3 Remote Bridge
MIRICi-155 Intelligent Miniature GBe over STM-1/OC-3 NTU
FCD-155 STM-1/OC-3 Terminal Multiplexer
FCD-155E STM-1/OC-3 Add/Drop Multiplexer
FCS-155 Fiber channel to STM-1/OC-3 Converter
RAD Sharing devices
RSD-1 4 channel Digital Sharing Device
RSD-10 8 channel Digital Sharing Device
-Short Range Modems-
RAD Short Range Modems SRMs - Overview
SRM-5A Miniature Asynchronous Short Range
DXC-4 E1/T1 Grooming Device
RAD T1/E1 Digital Cross Connects ( DACS )
DXC-100 - Large DACS
RAD T1/E1 Digital Cross Connect (DACS) for single E1 / T1
-RADiFlow -
RADiflow 3080 ( RF-3080 )Compact Service-Aware Industrial Ethernet Switch
- replaced by SecFlow products
IPmux-155L Hub-Site Pseudowire Access Gateway
IPmux-2L for serial and E1 over PSN
IPmux-216 TDM Pseudowire Access Gateway for 8 or 16
T1s or E1
IPmux-8 Transport up to 8 T1s or E1s over IP
RAD TDMoIP Central Office Gateway - Gmux-2000
IPmux-116 TDM Pseudowire Gateway
RAD TDMoIP Transport T1s, E1s and serial data over IP
- see newer IPmux-24 and IPmux-2L
IPmux-14 Up to 4 T1s or E1s over IP - also see
new IPmux-24
IPmux-11 Transport 1 T1 over IP - also see IPmux-24
- replaced by IPmux-24
IPmux-16 Up to 16 T1s or E1s over IP - replaced
by IPmux-216
-VMUX Voice compression-
Vmux-210 Connects up to 12/15/24/30 FXS analog voice ports over a serial, E1/T1 or 10/100BaseT uplink
Vmux-2100 Voice Trunking Gateway - Compress up to 16 T1s or E1s of voice
Vmux-2120 E1 / T1 Universal Voice Compression Gateway,
16 T1s or E1s of high quality voice compression
WEB RANger-II access router WR2
replaced by FCD-IP
TinyBridge-100 from RAD - Miniature Ethernet / Fast Ethernet bridge
discontinued - contact us for alternatives
RAD IP and Ethernet Access
FCD-IPL E1 or Fractional E1 Access Unit with IP Router
FCD-IPD Dual E1 Router
FCD-IPM E1/T1 Modular access device with Integrated Router
RAD Wireless Airmux 200 - replaced by Airmux-400LC
High capacity Airmux-400 Broadband wireless for Ethernet and TDM
Airmux-400L (Lite) economical version for Ethernet and TDM point to point microwave
Airmux-400L for public safety - AIRMUX-400L/ODU/F49F/EMB
RAD Sharing Devices
SFP-ER Miniature Ethernet Copper Range-Extension Device
SPH-16 SFP Patching Hub

someone asks where to buy RAD equipment, the answer is simple, Cutter Networks
of course.