APD-2HS miniature FRAD/PAD
APD-2HS is a miniature FRAD/PAD, which connects two asynchronous channels to
a Frame Relay or X.25 network.

Asynchronous traffic is packetized directly over the Frame Relay network, or
packetized over the X.25 protocol and then encapsulated over a Frame Relay
Asynchronous channel operation complies with X.3, X.28, and X.29
The asynchronous channels operate at data rates from 75 bps up to 115.2 kbps.
Hardware flow control is fully supported.
Access to public or private Frame Relay networks is provided either by:
Sending Asynchronous traffic directly over the Frame Relay network (see Figure 1)
Using Asynchronous to X.25 conversion (see Figure 2) over Frame Relay (reliable X.25 over Frame Relay encapsulation, as per Annex G).
A unique funneling method controls network congestion and moderates feeder
throughput speed.
LMI and ANSI PVC management protocols are supported, and operation is in compliance with ANSI T1.606, T1.618, T1.617 Annex D and ITU Rec. Q.922,
Annex A.

X.25 with APD-2HS
X.25-configured links support permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) or switched
virtual circuits (SVCs).
Link packet size is up to 4096 bytes.
RAD APD-2HS supports both mandatory and additional ITU X.2 facilities.
Dial-up X.25 links are supported via a dial-up modem controlled by a DTR
X.32 with APD-2HS
APD-2HS supports the X.32 protocol, to access the X.25 network remotely via
a dial-up modem. The X.32 protocol supports V.25 bit commands.
APD-2HS can be managed locally via an ASCII terminal connected to one of its
asynchronous ports.
APD-2HS contains an SNMP agent that allows access to the unit from any point
over the X.25/Frame Relay network via IP-based connection, using RADview-PC,
RAD's SNMP-based network management system.
The SNMP agent supports private and standard MIBs, including MIB II with RFC
1213, RFC 1381 and RFC 1382 for X.25, and RFC 1315 for Frame Relay.
The management agent enables configuration, statistics collection, status reports and diagnostics. The management agent can be programmed to
periodically send statistics and status reports to up to five network locations.
An alarm event can also be transmitted (user-configurable).
APD-2HS miniature FRAD/PAD product data sheet
Most frequently ordered:
APD-2HS/115/V24 1580010000
APD-2HS/115/V35 1580000000
APD-2HS/230/V24 1580110000
APD-2HS/230/V35 1580100000
APD-2HS/V24 1580030000