Multiprotocol Fast Packet Switch for X.25 / Frame Relay / IP / Async / HDLC from RAD
FPS-8 from RAD is a fast multi-protocol packet switch, intended for the regional/central office
environment. Each of its eight ports can be configured for any of the supported protocols and operate at data rates of up to 2 Mbps.
Typical FPS-8 applications include Frame Relay concentration and Frame Relay switching at high throughput, while supporting up to 50 remote sites.

FPS-8 provides access and switching to public or private Frame Relay networks, with the ability to consolidate asynchronous, HDLC, IP and X.25 protocols over the Frame Relay networks.
As a Frame Relay switch, the FPS-8 can integrate DLCIs from several sources into a single port. It can also support BECN/FECN signaling for congestion avoidance.
A unique funneling mechanism adjusts feeder throughput to CIR levels.
For each DLCI, an optional backup Frame Relay link is available on the RAD FPS-8.
The Frame Relay multicasting feature (complies with FRF-7) enables multicasting frames from one DLCI onto several DLCIs. The feature supports one-way, two-way and broadcast communication options.
LMI and ANSI PVC management protocols are supported in compliance with ANSI T1.606, T1.618, T1.617 Annex D, and ITU Rec. Q.922, Annex A.
FPS-8 supports CLLM management protocol and complies with ITU REC Q.933, Annex A.
FPS-8 X.25
X.25-configured links support permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) and switched virtual circuits (SVCs). The link packet size is up to 4096 bytes.
FPS-8 supports both mandatory and additional ITU X.25 facilities.
Dial-up X.25 links are established via a dial-up modem, controlled by a DTR signal or V.25 bis commands.
X.25 multicasting is fully supported.
FPS-8 X.32
The X.32 protocol can be used for establishing an X.25 dial-up link. This enables users to access an X.25 network remotely via a dialup modem using X.32, or use the dial-up backup link over an X.25 or Frame Relay network.
Each port of the FPS-8 can be programmed to operate in transparent HDLC mode for connecting bridges, routers and other HDLC communication devices over X.25 or Frame Relay networks. The HDLC protocol is encapsulated over X.25 or Frame Relay, providing end-to-end transparent operation.
Frame Relay, X.25 and PPP traffic can be transmitted over ISDN media.
The ISDN data rate is up to 128 kbps (bundle two B channels).

All asynchronous channels can act according to X.3, X.28 and X.29 profiles at traffic speeds of up to 115.2 kbps. Asynchronous traffic can be packetized directly over the Frame Relay network, or the X.25 network. All channels are configured and monitored by the management agent of FPS-8.
Each one of the FPS-8 ports can be configured to SLIP or PPP modes, operating at data rates of up to 115.2 kbps.
IP PAD facilities allow easy migration of terminal/server applications to an IP environment.
IP datagrams can be routed over Ethernet, PPP or SLIP links and over Frame Relay networks (according to RFC 1490) or over an X.25 network (according to RFC 1356).
FPS-8 supports RIP1, RIP2 and triggered acknowledgment RIP messages (according to RFC 1058, 1723 and 1724). The RIP support enables easy IP connection while minimizing IP user configuration. The triggered RIP reduces the overhead associated with the RIP mechanism, by minimizing the number of periodic messages sent.
Static IP routing is supported. IP packets are routed to destination via SLIP, PPP, LAN (Ethernet), X.25 or Frame Relay link, according to the IP address.
The Ethernet interface enables bridging and/or routing of LAN packets over a Frame Relay
network (according to RFC 1490) and over an X.25 network (according to RFC 1356).
FPS-8 contains an SNMP agent, which enables remote configuration, collection of statistics/status reports, and diagnostics. The management agent can be programmed to periodically send statistics and status reports to a maximum of five management stations.
A management station can be connected directly to FPS-8 using LAN, PPP or SLIP.
Configuration, monitoring and controlling of all network resources can be performed via an
ASCII terminal or by using RADview-PC/UNIX, RAD's SNMP-based management system.
The SNMP agents support private and standard MIBs, including MIB II with RFC 1213, RFC 1381 and
RFC 1382 for X.25, and RFC 1315 for Frame Relay.
Enhanced backup facilities include PSTN/ISDN/GPRS support.
The main facility links are automatically restored after a network recovery.
FPS-8 product data sheet (pdf)
Most commonly ordered:
FPS-8 2720000000
FPS-8/48 2720170000
FPS-8/48/UTP/UTP 2720220000
FPS-8/UTP 2720180000
FPS-8/UTP/UTP 2720210000
FPS-M/530D 2720100000
FPS-M/UTP 2720110000
FPS-M/V24D 2720020000
FPS-M/V35/V24 2720200000
FPS-M/V35D 2720050000
FPS-M/V36D 2720130000
FPS-M/X21D 2720030000