KVC.1 voice module for RAD Kilomux

KVC.1 modules ( KM-2000M-KVC.1M/, KM-2000M-KVC.1M/S , KM-2000M-KVC.1M/O
) from RAD are voice modules transmitting high quality compressed voice over the KILOMUX-2000/2100 link. KVC.1 digitizes analog voice, using either the PCM or ADPCM technique. When using PCM, voice is digitized at 64 kbps, A-law. When using ADPCM, voice is digitized at selectable rates of 24 or 32 kbps, according to the quality desired and the available main link bandwidth. The main link data rate is limited to 384 kbps when using KVC.1 Perfect toll quality reproduction is guaranteed when using PCM or 32 kbps ADPCM, complying with ITU G.711 and G.721, respectively. High quality voice reproduction is attained at 24 kbps, ADPCM. KVC.1 may be ordered with one of the following analog interfaces
(see KVC.1 Ordering on the data sheet):
- 2-wire or 4-wire E&M, for connection to PABX Tie lines ( KM-2000M-KVC.1M/E )
- 2-wire FXS loop start or ground start for direct connection to a telephone set ( KM-2000M-KVC.1M/S )
- 2-wire FXO loop start for direct connection to a PABX extension line. ( KM-2000M-KVC.1M/O )
The 2-wire or 4-wire E&M module ( KM-2000M-KVC.1M/E ) supports five strap-selectable types: EIA RS-464 Types I, II and III and V, and British Telecom SSDC5.
For the KVC.1/FXS module ( KM-2000M-KVC.1M/S ), an external Ringer-2000 or KM-Ringer unit is required, to provide ring and battery voltage feed (see Ringer-2000 or KM-Ringer data sheets for details).
KVC.1 also permits fax transmission. The fax transmission rates are:
- 9.6 kbps when operating at 64 kbps PCM or 32 kbps ADPCM
- 4.8 kbps when operating at 24 kbps ADPCM.
Diagnostics include local digital loopback toward the local analog interface, and analog loopback toward the remote site. Tone injection for testing is also available. Automatic self-test is performed during power-up and under normal operation.
Each analog voice channel terminates on an 8-pin RJ-45 connector for the KVC.1/E&M ( KM-2000M-KVC.1M/E ) , and a 6-pin RJ-11 connector for the KVC.1/FXS, FXO ( KM-2000M-KVC.1M/S , KM-2000M-KVC.1M/O ).

Kilomux KVC.1 card data sheet (pdf 147k)