Optimux-25 ( OP-25 ) Fiber Optic Multiplexer from RAD
Optimux-25 ( OP-25 ) provides a simple, flexible, and cost-effective solution for transporting multiple T1, high-speed data, or Ethernet over a fiber link to distances of up to 110 km (68 miles). The fiber optic link is available with single-mode, multimode, and single-mode over single fiber.

The Optimux-25 ( OP-25 ) provides up to 16 T1, some of which can be replaced by high-speed data and/or 10/100BaseT user Ethernet traffic, selectable by the user (see Table 1).
An optional second link available in the Optimux-25 ( OP-25 ) provides link backup, using automatic switchover upon link failure. An optional second power supply provides power redundancy for
fail-safe operation.
The RAD Optimux-25 ( OP-25 ) transmits each T1 channel separately so that the clock of each T1 channel is independent.
The Optimux-25 is supplied with a 10/100BaseT Ethernet user port interface that can be activated at any time via a software key purchased from

Various fiber optic interfaces (based on SFP transceivers) are available for both the active and the backup fiber links:
1310 nm short or long-haul laser and 1550 nm long-haul laser interfaces for extended range over single-mode fiber
Single fiber interface using WDM technology, where the laser transmit
signal is at a different wavelength from the receive signal (1310 nm and 1550 nm)
Single fiber single wavelength interface using SC/APC connector, with a 1310 nm laser diode for single wavelength operation
It is strongly recommended to order the Optimux-25 ( OP-25 ) with original RAD SFPs installed. This will ensure that prior to shipping, RAD has performed comprehensive functional quality tests on the entire assembled unit, including the SFP devices. RAD cannot
guarantee full compliance to product specifications for units using non-RAD SFPs.
The OP-25, RAD's Optimux-25, can be supplied with one V.35 (1.544 MB/sec) channel that replaces channel 16 by user activation. An optional alarm port is available with dry relay contacts for major and minor alarms.
To ease system diagnostics, Optimux-25 features LED status indicators, AIS alarm generation, recognition, and dry contact
closure upon link failure.
Optimux-25 ( OP-25 )
Management and diagnostics can be performed via:
ASCII terminal
ConfiguRAD, RAD's Web-based management application
RADview, RAD's SNMP-based management application.
Optimux-25 is available as 1U-high unit with balanced T1 interface,
RJ-45 connectors
The RAD OP-25, Optimux 25, can be mounted in a 19-inch rack.

Optimux-25 ( OP-25 ) product data sheet (pdf)