Acrynoms starting with 'R' commonly used in data communications

Select first letter of word:
0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

(suggestions for additions of acronyms or terms)

RADIUSRemote Authentication Dial In User Service. A security and authentication mechanism for remote access.
RADSLRate Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line
RAIDRedundant Array of Independent Drives
RARPReerse Address Resolution Protocol. The Internet protocol a diskless host uses to find its Internet address at startup. RARP maps a physical (hardware) address to an Internet address.
RBOCRegional Bell Operating Company.
RBS Robbed Bit Signaling is used in T1 circuits. Instead of having a specific timeslot dedicated to provide signal (as is true with ISDN) , signaling bits for on-hook and off-hook are within the sixth, twelfth, eighteenth and twenty-fourth frames of each time slot. RBS is sometimes called CAS (Channel Associated Signaling) because it takes bits from the bearer channels for signaling.
RDRemote Defect Indication
RDOFRural Digital Opportunity Fund - For offical information, visit FCC site on RDO
reassemblyThe process by which an IP datagram is "put back together" at the receiving host after having been fragmented in transit.
repeaterA device which propagates electrical signals from one cable to another without making routing decisions or providing packet filtering. In OSI terminology, a repeater is a Physical Layer intermediate system.
replicationThe process of keeping a copy of data, either through shadowing or caching.
RFCRequest For Comments. The document series, begun in 1969, which describes the Internet suite of protocols and related experiments. Not all (in fact very few) RFCs describe Internet standards, but all Internet standards are written up as RFCs.
RFSRemote file System. A distributed file system, similar to NFS, developed by AT&T and distributed with their UNIX System V operating system.
RIPRouting Information Protocol. A protocol used to exchange routing information among a set of computers connected by a LAN. RIP uses hop counts as a routing metric.
RJ11A 4 position modular jack most commonly used for phone connections. The standard single line phone uses only 2 of the 4 wires.
RJ14is used with two line phones and leased line modems (physically an RJ11, but it uses 4 wires instead of 2)
RJ45An 8 position modular jack (picture)
RJ48CRegistration Jack This is an 8 position modular jack commonly used for connecting to 1.544 Mpbs Digital Service.
RJ48SThis is for DSU service at 64,000 bps or lower. Physically it is an RJ45.
rloginA service offered by Berkeley UNIX which allows users of one machine to log into other UNIX systems (for which they are authorized) and interact as if their terminals were connected directly. Similar to Telnet.
RMONRemote Network Monitoring. Part of the SNMP network management framework.
robbed bit signaling ( RBS ) Robbed Bit Signaling is used in T1 circuits. Instead of having a specific timeslot dedicated to provide signal (as is true with ISDN) , signaling bits for on-hook and off-hook are within the sixth, twelfth, eighteenth and twenty-fourth frames of each time slot. RBS is sometimes called CAS (Channel Associated Signaling) because it takes bits from the bearer channels for signaling.
ROADMRe-configurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer
RoHSRestriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment in the EU (European Union) market. This Directive bans the placing on the EU market new electrical and electronic equipment containing more than agreed levels of lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants.
ROIReturn on investment
RS-422is standard using full duplex differential signal on two pairs of wires. Maximum range 4000 ft. Maximum speed 10 Mbps.
RS485is a standard for half duplex data communications which is frequently used in multi-drop applications. Most commonly this is a 2-wire application. As many as 32 driver/receiver pairs can share a multidrop RS485 network. While many of the characteristics of RS485 are similar to RS422 the voltage range is greater.
RTMPRouting Table Maintenance Protocol
RTTRound-Trip Time A measure of the current delay on a network.
RTURemote Terminal Unit
routedRoute Daemon. A program that runs under 4.2 or 4.3BSD UNIX systems (and derived operating systems) to propagate routes among machines on a local area network. Pronounced "route-dee.
routerA system responsible for making decisions about which of several paths network (or Internet) traffic will follow. To do this, it uses a routing protocol to gain information about the network and algorithms to choose the best route based on several criteria known as "routing metrics." In OSI terminology, a router is a Network Layer intermediate system. Historically, routers were called "gateways" in Internet terminology. See bridge, gateway, repeater.
routingThe process of selecting the correct interface and next hop for a packet being forwarded.
routingmetric The method by which a routing algorithm determines one route is better than another This information is stored in routing tables. Such tables include reliability, delay bandwidth, load, MTUs, communication costs, and hop count..
RPCRemote Procedure Call. A popular paradigm for implementing the client-server model of distributed computing. A request is sent to a remote system to execute a designated procedure, using arguments supplied, and the result returned to the caller. There are many variations and subtleties, resulting in a variety of different RPC protocols.
RS-232An EIA-specified physical interface with associated electrical signaling between DCE and DTE. The most commonly employed interface between computer devices and modems. While this term is still used, it is more correctly an EIA-232-D.
RS-449The physical connection for RS449 is generally a DB37.
RS-530The physical connector use for RS530 is generally a DB25. This superseded the RS-449. The RS-530 is a balanced interface that was designed to replace the more expensive V.35 connector. RS-530 can operate to speeds of 2 Mpbs.
RSAA public-key cryptographic system which may be used for encryption and authentication. It was invented in 1977 and named for its inventors: Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman.
RSVPResource Reservation Protocol. RSVP is a control protocol for use in multimedia applications to indicate to transmitting nodes the nature (such as bandwidth, jitter, or maximum burstiness) of the packet streams that they want to receive.
RTFMRead The Fantastic Manual. This acronym is often used when someone asks a simple or common question. The word "Fantastic" is usually replaced with a four letter variation and hand signals.
RTP Real Time Transport Protocol. The standard protocol for streaming applications developed within the IETF.
RTSequest to Send is a signal sent by one modem to another advising that the modem is available and requesting that data be sent.
RTSCRead The Source Code.